Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Ramsey and Flylady

A homemaker really should grow to be a terrific multi-tasker.   As you  know, I love Dave Ramsey (for money help) and Flylady (for house help)    What I can tell you is this, if you want to follow Dave, you need to follow Flylady.

Good homemaking is, at its very core, very economical. Properly caring for your laundry, planning menus, and avoiding clutter are the practical ways a homemaker saves and makes money.  Homemakers of the past knew this to be true.  They knew that waste and sloth were bad for the pocketbook.  They were hard workers with a weekly and yearly plan.  For some, this allowed for a few luxuries, for others, it meant survival.

 There are two paths toward having more money.  One, make money.  Two, making your money stretch farther that before.  A really smart person does both.  Some people are blessed with an innate desire to frugality.  I am not one of those people.  With me, like the weight loss, it has to be very intentional.  If you are not intentional with your money or your weight, you will end up in debt and overweight.

I am, by nature, very practical, and I appreciate practical real-world advice.  So here's my two cents.  Dave Ramsey and Flylady.

For your benefit, some links.     Dave Ramsey     Flylady

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