Friday, July 31, 2015

Do it my way

Or, do whatever floats your boat.

It seems like there are two (at least two) camps of thought.  One is that there are those of us that like to tell others what to do and how to do it. My way is the right and only way. The other is the "live and let live, we're both right" idea.  While it's easier to get along with others when you live and let live, it's not true that we are all right.  We're all usually right about something and we're all probably really wrong about something else.

I hate being wrong.  OK, I said it. I like being right.  I hate to be first.  Then I have to ask myself if I am so proud as to think that I know and do everything the right way. I sure hope not. And from whom should I take instruction?  From anyone who knows more than I do about a particular subject.

Humility is required to receive instruction.  That is a great thing because God gives grace to the humble.

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