Wednesday, October 14, 2015


I saw this movie last night. Gotta love Redbox!   It was OK, if you don't mind seeing a lot of robots being destroyed!

I really liked the whole idea of the movie.  Basically, everything is bad, and going from bad to worse.   What can I do about it?  What can I change? Can I fix it?

Being the eternal optimist that I am, I feel encouraged to keep trying, keep looking, knowing that anything I do can help.

Of course, the whole premise of the movie is a humanist one, and I am not a humanist.  I do believe, however, that the same idea is applicable to the spiritual realm.  I am not a wacky-doodle optimist that thinks that things are going to  be OK just because I want them to be OK.  Things are going to be OK, because I am going to find God's will, obey God's will and then watch Him do His thing.  He will perfect that which concerns me.   I can also look for things that I can fix.  Not that I mean to do God's job, it's just that He does his job, and trusts me to do mine.   I love that I am not doomed to anything.  There is always something I can do. "Trust and Obey" are action verbs!


  1. How crazy! We watched the same movie last night. I thought is was a huge waste of time. I felt like I had been brainwashed with humanistic propaganda. I did think the little girl robot was super adorable. I could listen to her speak all day. I think it must have been made for 3d or IMAX. Anyhow, it's just funny we watched the same movie.
