Monday, February 13, 2017

No wonder it so hard to stay focused!

  Although I could do without the chocolate covered French bread pizza.  Those of us who are trying to lose weight must become oblivious to the call of food from every direction.   I categorize the recipes on Pinterest so that I know that they are for a special occasion, and not for everyday.  I have found a ton of inspirational quotes on fitness that I have found to be extremely helpful.

   What is not helpful is seeing all the tiny models that have never had to lose more that 3 pounds in their entire life!  That is not really inspirational.

  About the food, sometimes I just laugh at the recipes.  I know that they would never turn out the same for me!  I know I would be the queen of the Pinterest Fail!

1 comment:

  1. Pinterest is by far a distraction. I tend to find myself on Pinterest frequently, especially when I have free time. It has such a variety of categories to view with a lot of different things amongst them. I can spend quite a bit of time on there searching and bookmarking new trends, recipes, and more.
