Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Almost back

Almost back to where I was when I left for Missouri.  I am so glad, too.  I honestly feared that so many "days off" would make it impossible, hard to get back on track.    I have one more pound to go to get back to where I was when I left.

I got right back into my exercise routine.  I told myself that, no matter what I weighed or ate, I could always exercise and I would be better off for it.  My Monday classes with Sandra are still hard and I feel I look so awful while doing those exercises. I am so glad the park is pretty much empty now!  I trudge on, knowing that I am doing the right thing at the right time. Literally working my tail off!  And my clothes fit so much better!

We get so discouraged when we face a detour and lose our momentum.  I ask God for strength to get back to where I need to be......and beyond!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Vacation is over!

So basically I ate my way around northern Arkansas and Missouri.   Mom, Sharon and I ate at the Rowdy Beaver.  They shared the rib eye, and I had the BBQ nachos.  Words cannot adequately describe these amazing nachos!

 The next day we had a breakfast buffet in the main dining room of the Crescent Hotel.  Look it up!  It's a fascinating place and breakfast was awesome.
I also got to go to a church potluck, and hear the bluegrass band rehearse.  Love me some potluck!
That just set the stage for 7 great days of vacation which included the Great Passion Play, camping on beautiful Table Rock lake, and Moses at Sight and Sound.  That was after a fabulous lunch at the Chateau on the Lake.

Now I must pay the piper.  Here are some thoughts.  Daily weighing is a must.  Daily.  Also, a full-length mirror is a great tool and motivator.

I have make-up work to do, but I regret nothing!!!!!!!!!  Thanks to Mom, and Harold and Sharon!

Monday, July 4, 2016


That's how you know that your diet will work.  There are so many diets there, and I am sure that most of them work.  Right now, you can take your pick of healthy and/or unhealthy diets.  You can do low carb, no grain, all grain, vegan, all meat, raw food, you name it.  Someone out there has a plan for YOU!   LOSE WEIGHT FAST! That is their claim, and they are sticking to their story.

The question is not if you can lose weight, but if you can keep it up long enough to lose the weight you need and not gain it back.  For that you need a sustainable plan.  Probably you need a plan you can live with for the rest of your life.  This is where fad diets and radical exercise programs are not going to be your friend.

Any plan for anything that promises instant results for little-to-no effort is probably phony.  Anything worthwhile in this life requires long-term changes and a real effort.